Its a great deal for the money. picture quality in video chat is not great and the "enlarge to full screen" feature is useless. Occasional lag in the chat.
great web site real members real sexy ones too My membership allows me to view as much as i want when i want and has some great features. I used to like the old version of chat but since its been up dated i have not really been in there much. I think it was more simplified before now things are a bit small and to much going on to keep up with anything. I will try again will just have to get used to it. I would recommend but like a lot of us we don,t like shouting from the roof tops that we recommend a great web site to jerk off to and meet some other horny Worth every penny (dime) or what ever your currency happens to be. Regular members should take any advantage they can if there is any deal to be had as they will never regret it.
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