Zoig is great on variety, but at times a little too phobic and promotes a double standard when it comes to Male bi action versus female Bi action. It is understood that the owners have the right to create the site they want, but as an open bi-sexual man I have no problem with viewing that sort of content.
Zoig is worth the price for ZG+ because the extra unrestricted access is way better than standard access. I have recommended
Zoig to friends and will continue to do so especially for the no spam and excellent privacy policies here.
The last item I will mention is the chat room. Rules are good in general but I have see too often a good time ruined by an over aggressive moderator who is so busy correcting and casting warnings or ejecting people for such minor offenses as using capitol letters for EMPHASIS, even when grammatically correct. Or when a couple on cam is showing solicits sexy input and interaction from their viewers and when they receive it the Mods start ripping into and ejecting users for daring to join in the fun. After being witness to too many instances of unfair treatment of people in the in the room and killing the mood and sucking the fun out, I have deemed this feature virtually worthless.
I would suggest offering a second, un-moderated open room and let the users choose where they want to play.
From a technical standpoint, I will say the video chat technology is probably fair to good and pretty easy to use and works well.