I understand why it's not possible, but would still like the ability to download clips and pics to view at my leisure. That is the biggest deterrent from me purchasing a ZG+ membership. And it should be "either/or". If you aren't going to allow the ability to download, then you should allow viewing of all and entire clips without a ZG+ membership. The ZG+ membership should be more special than "just" the ability to view all content and entire clips (like the ability to download and keep content). You would get alot more memberships that way. Make the membership more special and people will feel like they are getting a deal. As far as the copywrite issues are concerned - when a person(s) uploads content, technically, it's no longer theirs solely. make that a obligatory check box for each upload that occurs. As it stands, I get a ZG+ membership about every other 6 months to a year. If one of the premium membership perks were the ability to download content, I would be a ZG+ member more consistently.